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Nobbys Beach

Aug 4

About Nobbys Beach

Newcastle's most popular beach, Nobbys Beach, is a haven for family groups and people learning how to surf. It also serves as an important habitat for dolphins who live in the area! Nobbys Beach is located at the northern point of Bathers Way, which makes it a popular spot for walkers. To get there, you can catch the light rail to Newcastle's beach stop and then navigate your way through this serene location!

While not as popular or well-known, Nobby Beach is a quiet stretch of sand that offers stunning views. This secluded beach can easily be accessed from either end and has many amenities found on other parts of this coast, such as shops and restaurants with incredible scenery!


What to do at Nobbys Beach

The views at Nobbys Beach are some of the most popular in Newcastle. With a wide expanse and calm waters. It's no wonder that this serene spot has been affectionately nicknamed "the golden mile." The highest profile beach can also accommodate families seeking out waves or those who want an escape from their day-to-day lives on land. Especially when you factor into account how often dolphins come to swim alongside them!

With a view of the beach and public recreational area, this spot provides an ideal destination for day-trippers. As well as offering excellent barbecue facilities on one side of it there's also a kiosk with coffee cakes - fish & chips or burgers available if you get tired from all that walking around!

If you have time, take a walk along the break-wall under Nobbys Lighthouse. You might even spot coal ships being tugged into port by hard-working tow boats! Nobby's Beach is the perfect place to spend a day with family and friends. The waves are guaranteed not be too big, but also powerful enough that even experienced surfers will get plenty of enjoyment out of them! There’s access for wheelchairs at both ends as well, so people can enjoy this beautiful spot in complete safety - it doesn't matter if you're feeling lazy or want an adventure on your feet.

The Nobby's Beach

One local company in Newcastle that is involved in this tourist attraction is:

Name: Windscreen Replacement Newcastle Pro

Address: 18 Terence Street, Adamstown Heights, NSW 2289

Telephone: (02) 4072 2379