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How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Stretch Limo in Leamington-Spa?

Oct 23

How much does it cost to hire a stretch limousine? The price will depend on many factors, including limo size, location, time of day, and any damages that may occur. Read on to discover how to get the most for your money. You will be surprised to learn that prices can vary greatly. Here are some tips for hiring a limo in Leamington-Spa at an affordable price. Keep these tips in mind before hiring a limousine for your special occasion.

When you rent a limo, the size of the vehicle will have a significant impact on the overall price. An 18-passenger Hummer will cost more per hour than a 10-passenger Dodge Charger. As a general rule, the larger the limousine, the higher the cost. Prices vary based on the type of limo, the number of passengers, and the time of day.

A few factors determine limo pricing. The size of the vehicle, package options, and number of passengers are the main determinants. Some limo companies in Leamington-Spa charge per person, while others do not. Additionally, prices may vary based on the state that you live in. However, prices are generally lower on weekdays and during off-peak times. If possible, make your reservation for a weekday.

When to hire a stretch limo depends on your occasion and the number of passengers. Usually, weekdays are the most affordable as companies try to keep their vehicles moving. If you are planning to rent a limo for an important occasion, make sure to book it months or even weeks in advance. The same holds true for events like weddings and proms. Make sure to avoid smoking inside the limo, as this could result in a cleaning surcharge.

While daytime fares are generally cheaper than evening rates, they can still be more expensive. Depending on the type of limo you need, you can expect to pay anywhere from £280 for an eight-passenger limo to £500 or £625 for a stretch Hummer. For example, a stretch Hummer may cost around £125 per hour before 5:00 pm and £625 afterward. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that limo prices can rise dramatically at weekends or during holidays.

Stretch limousines are usually owned by large companies, broadcasters, or governments. However, private individuals around Leamington-Spa rarely own these vehicles. Most manufacturers are based in the United States or Europe and supply mostly to limousine companies. These vehicles are large and require a lot of space on the road. They also have limited parking space, which is why drop-off/pickup spaces are usually limited to passenger cars. Here are some important tips for booking stretch limos.

One of the most challenging aspects of operating large vehicles is their mass. Stretch limos have much more mass than standard cars and trucks. Therefore, braking and accelerating may be more difficult than in other vehicles. The DOT has imposed new regulations, which include more stringent penalties for violators. 

Many people are unaware of the fees associated with renting a stretch limo. The rates can vary depending on the services you need, and some operators charge additional fees if you stay beyond the ride duration. It's always best to check the contract and agreement carefully before signing it. Make sure the driver is licensed and has all the proper documentation. It may be wise to check the limo's licence as well.

You'll also have to pay an airport tax. Some limo companies charge a toll when you use the vehicle, so this is an extra expense that you'll have to consider. In addition, some companies add a fuel surcharge when the mileage exceeds the standard range for a limo service. This is usually communicated before the event, but it may be necessary if you're making special requests.

Limo Hire Leamington Spa 
Chandos Business Centre
87 Warwick Street
Leamington Spa
CV32 4RJ
01926 954974
Office Hours;
Mon to Fri » 9:00 am – 6:30 pm
Sat to Sun » 9:00 am – 4:30pm